Thursday, January 21, 2021
Bruxism/Teeth Grinding in Middletown and Newport, RI

Bruxism/Teeth Grinding in Middletown and Newport, RIBruxism is the dental term for teeth grinding. Most people grind their teeth from time to time with little to no damage to the teeth or jaw. However, those who continually grind their teeth can cause serious damage to their teeth and other oral health complications can arise.

Bruxism refers to any type of forceful contact between the teeth. This can be a loud and grating contact or a silent and clenching contact. Either form can cause serious damage to the teeth. Many aren’t aware that they have the condition because they grind their teeth only in their sleep. However, bruxism can occur during waking hours as well.  

Adults and children both can suffer from the condition. Alcohol, drugs, and certain sleep disorders can exacerbate the condition, making it worse. Children usually develop bruxism as a result of a cold or infection. Often pain from teething or earaches will induce bruxism in toddlers and children.

Why do I grind my teeth?

The cause of bruxism is still unknown.  However, it is believed that increased stress and anxiety can greatly increase how often and how severely you grind your teeth.  Having an abnormal bite or missing or crooked teeth are also thought to contribute to teeth grinding.  

Why is bruxism bad?

Occasional bruxism usually does not result in damage to the teeth or jaw. However, chronic teeth grinding can cause serious dental issues.  In some cases, grinding can result in tooth fracture, loosening of teeth, or the loss of a tooth or teeth.  Grinding over years without treatment can wear the teeth down to stumps, which will require bridges, crowns, root canals, implants, or possibly even dentures to repair.  

Not only is bruxism bad for your teeth, it is also damaging to the jaw. Grinding can result in hearing loss, change the appearance of your face, and TMJ.  

What can I do to stop grinding my teeth?

Bruxism/Teeth Grinding in Middletown and Newport, RIBeing fitted for a mouth guard/night guard will help protect your teeth from the effects of grinding while you sleep. However, in order to cease grinding completely it’s important to treat the triggers for why you grind your teeth.

If stress is causing your bruxism, ask your doctor or dentist about stress reduction techniques and options. Exercise, stress counseling, or prescription muscle relaxers may help reduce how often or severely you grind your teeth.

Other tips to help reduce bruxism include:

  • Cut back or eliminate foods that contain caffeine from your diet.  This includes coffee, soda, tea, and chocolate.
  • Avoid alcohol.  Alcohol tends to increase the severity and frequency of bruxism.
  • Don’t chew on anything that is not food.  This includes gum, pencils, or pens.  Constantly chewing conditions your jaw muscles to stay clenched and makes you more likely to grind your teeth.
  • Pay attention to your mouth.  If you notice that you grind or clench your teeth during the day, train yourself to relax. Position the tip of your tongue between your front teeth to make it harder to clench or grind your teeth.
  • Relax your jaw before bed.  Using a warm washcloth on the face at night will help relax the jaw prior to sleep. Position it on your cheek in front of your earlobe to get maximum results.

Dr. Jones, located in Middletown and Newport, RI, is a Dentist who services patients from Newport, RI, Portsmouth, RI, and Jamestown, RI. We are looking forward to welcoming you to our office and encourage you to schedule your appointment today!


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Our Motto

"Our aim must be not merely the meticulous restoration of that which is missing, but also the perpetual preservation of that which remains." 

-M.M. DeVan, Dentist

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